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How to teleport

You are able to teleport to your own town, your nation's towns, capitals of allied nations and your bed.

  • /t spawn
  • /t spawn <town>
  • /n spawn
  • /n spawn <nation>
  • /res spawn

EarthMC does not support player-to-player teleportation.

This system ensures that the nation's capital becomes a center point in the nation just the way capitals are in real life. The capital will turn into a trade hub since nation residents and residents of allied nations have direct access. This system also allows nation kings to engage in trade wars as they're able to restrict their nation residents from accessing enemy nations' markets.

If you're new to the server, begin by joining or creating a town. You will not be able to teleport to other nations if you have just created your town. You must first join a nearby nation by running /n join <nation>. Pre-existing towns are likely already part of a nation.

You are able to teleport to your town spawn by running /t spawn. Get to your nation spawn by running /n spawn. This will teleport you to the nation capital marked by a star on the map. You can also teleport to allies of your nation by running /n spawn <nation>. Replace <nation> with the allied nation name.