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Nation guide


Create a nation

Creating a new nation costs 2048 gold. Make sure you have deposited the required amount to the town's bank via /t deposit <amount>. Only the mayor of a town can create a nation. The mayor's town will become the nation capital. Create the nation with /n new <name>.


Make sure your nation's name complies with the nation naming rules in rule 2.1 rules.

Nation basics

As a nation leader, you can add allies with /n ally add <nation> and invite towns to your nation with /n add <town>. Do note that a town needs to be within a radius of 3500 blocks from your capital's home plot to be eligible for invitation.

Give and remove ranks from residents of your nation with /n rank add <player> <rank> or /n rank remove <player> <rank>. You can also kick towns from the nation with /n kick <town>, delete the nation with /n delete, toggle public joining to your nation with /n toggle open, and set the nation's spawn location anywhere within your capital with /n set spawn.

Due to nations starting with no allies, you will likely want to get a lot as quickly as you can as you require them to travel anywhere with the /n spawn command. An efficient way to do so is by regularly checking /res list, and running the /res command on all nation kings as marked by a yellow name, then do /t <name> for the town listed in their /res and send an ally request to them.

As your nation gains more citizens, your ranking on /n list will increase. Nations fight each other to be on the top of this list as it shows who has put the most time into recruiting towns and players, which is a good indicator of activity. Nations (as well as towns) can also compete in a few categories. These leaderboards can be seen via /nation (or /town) list by category (categories should be automatically shown to the command sender).

Nation range

As previously stated, towns within a range of 3500 blocks from the nation capital can be invited to join the nation. However, this range can be extended by additional towns, with each town's homeblock adding an extra 1,000 blocks to the range. For instance, if Town A is within the 3,500-block range of the capital, and Town B is outside of this range but within 1,000 blocks of Town A, Town B can still be added to the nation. This feature enables nations to expand their territory more widely by linking towns in a chain-like formation, thereby increasing the nation’s geographical spread on the map.

Nation ranks

Nation kings can give nation residents ranks with /n rank add <player> <rank>.

  • Chancellor allows the player to do everything a king can do, except of: deleting the nation, setting the capital and setting the king. This is a dangerous rank to give as a player! The unwanted individual could remove allies or kick every town from your nation.
  • Colonists may invite towns to the nation.
  • Diplomats are able to send, accept and deny nation ally requests.

Nation commands


Only the king of the nation can run all of these commands. Chancellors are not allowed to run /n set king and /n delete.

/n [name]Get information of specified nation
/n new [name]Create a new nation
/n spawnTeleport to nation capital
/n leaveMakes your town leave nation
/n withdraw [amount]Withdraw gold from nation bank
/n deposit [amount]Deposit gold from nation bank
/n add [town]Invite town to nation
/res set leaderprefixSet nation leader chat prefix to Ⓚ or Ⓠ (King or Queen)
/n kick [town]Kick a town from nation
/n outlaw add/remove [player]Outlaw player from nation, preventing them from joining/teleporting to nation town.
/n outlawlist [nation]View a nation's outlaws
/n ally add/remove [nation]Add/remove nation ally
/n enemy add/remove [nation]Add/remove nation enemy. Removes or prevents an alliance
/n rank add/remove [player] [rank]Grant/revoke rank from nation resident
/n toggle openToggle public joining to your nation
/n deleteDelete nation
/n set link to be shown on town board and web map.
/n set king [player]King command to change the king of the nation
/n set capital [town]Set nation capital
/n set spawnSet nation spawn at your location
/n set board [message]Set nation message of the day
/n set taxes [amount]Set nation taxes per 24-hour cycle
/n set title [title]Set titles for members of your nation
/emcmap nationcolor [HEX colour]Set nation colour on EMC map (Premium Only)
/emcmap nationoutline [HEX colour]Set nation outline colour on EMC map (Premium Only)