Pay to win, dupers and EarthMC
Maybe you've played earthmc for years. Maybe you came here for the first time — perhaps angry at the server but amused by the content, after watching dupers dupe for the greater good.
Maybe you've played earthmc for years. Maybe you came here for the first time — perhaps angry at the server but amused by the content, after watching dupers dupe for the greater good.
Server staff recently got reports from a mayor claiming someone was trusted in their town without the mayor having added that player as trusted themselves. Trusted rank gives full access to the town and can potentially have devastating consequences. After investigating further, a malicious client mod was discovered, allowing remote command execution on targets. Let's take a closer look.
Hello everyone, Greed here. I have been working on a few features, along with ways to bring 1.20 related content to EarthMC. Below I detail what has arrived, along with some future plans.
It is now possible to invite players to the server using a personalized domain, formatted as Players joining through your personal domain address will automatically be added to your town.
Recent blog updates are now shown in-game. Updates will show in tab and automatically disappear after two weeks. Server fetches once an hour.
For those of you astute enough, you may have noticed that a large update to the Quarters feature has been undergoing development. After a few weeks I'm excited to let you all know that it's finally ready for you to try for yourself on Terra Aurora!
Hey everyone, Greed here. It's time for a new update! Here's what's new:
Fruitloopins has created a plugin that allows you to create and sell apartments within your town. There are also some plot types other than apartments listed in the plugin's documentation, but keep in mind that the shop type is currently non-functional on EarthMC. You can however set the underlying Towny plot as a shop type and the quarter owner will be able to create a shop within the quarter regardless of the quarter's type.
Overclaim, the ability under certain circumstances to claim over already claimed chunks, will come to EarthMC early next year. This change will be made in order to balance gameplay, increase map longevity and combat the issue of dead towns squatting land. The topic of overclaim has been debated both internally and within the community for the past few months. The community deserves know what's behind this decsion, how overclaim will actually work and why it will benefit the server. This change does not affect towns with 88 or less chunks claimed (counting 8 claims for 1 resident and 80 nation bonus). Overclaiming will be introduced 2024-01-01. A grace period will start this 2023-10-01 in order to make a smooth transition. More details below.
Hello everyone, Fix here. It's time for an update! Here's what's new:
After almost 6 years online, 1 000 000+ unique players and 600 years of combined playtime, I’m incredibly happy to announce the next chapter of EarthMC.