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Quarters extends the functionality of towns and plots to allow the creation of apartments. Standard plots are restricted to a simple grid-based system that requires allowing and restricting permissions of an entire chunk. Quarters can instead allow for dynamically sized cuboids in which permissions can be edited.

Creating a quarter

To create a quarter you need to be the mayor or councillor, then you can select two positions using flint, this is the "wand" item in Quarters. With two positions selected, an outline of a cuboid will appear showing your selection while you are holding the wand.


If you cannot get access to a flint you can use /q wand to get a free wand one time

From this point, you can optionally choose to simply write /q create, or if you want a custom shaped cuboid, write /q selection add. You can add as many cuboids as you want provided they follow the below requirements.

Quarter prerequisites

The following requirements must be met in order to create a quarter:

  • The quarter is entirely within a single town
  • There is no wilderness within any of the cuboid's bounds
  • Your selected cuboids do not overlap with any pre-existing cuboids
  • The quarter does not exit the minimum or maximum height of the world

Existing quarters will be deleted if any of the above requirements are no longer true, for example if the underlying townblock is unclaimed or the town is deleted.

Permission management

Just like towns, nations and plots, you can manage permissions by resident, nation, ally and outsider. This is done with /q set [actiontype] [permlevel] [true/false]. Additionally, you can give others full access to a quarter in terms of those permissions but not command permissions with the /q trust add command.


Quarter permissions override the underlying plot permissions allowing for more granular control.

Quarter types

All quarter types are additive to the functionality of the default apartment type. Mayors and councillors can change a quarter's type with /q type [type].

Quarter TypeDescription
ApartmentThe default quarter type. The owner, trusted users, those with perms in the quarter, and those with permissions in the underlying town plot can alter this quarter type.
InnAllows players to use beds inside the quarter.
StationAllows players to use vehicles like boats and minecarts inside the quarter.

Keep in mind that for quarter types, you must set the quarter as an embassy with /q toggle embassy to allow town outsiders to also benefit from their properties.


Mayors and councillors can manage trusted players in quarters without owning the quarter along with many other properties

Sell or buy quarters

To sell a quarter, stand within its bounds and type /q sell [price], a player can then purchase it using /q claim while standing inside it. To sell to a player who is not a resident of the quarter's town, you must first turn the quarter into an embassy using /q toggle embassy. If the quarter's embassy status is removed the non-resident owner's ownership will be revoked.


Premium colour feature

Players with Premium can change a quarter's particle outline colour with /q set colour [r] [g] [b]. The 3 arguments are integer values between 0-255 representing an RGB colour.

/q claimClaim a quarter that is for sale.
/q createTurn a selected area into a quarter.
/q deleteDelete the quarter you are currently standing in.
/q delete plotDelete all quarters in the plot you are standing in.
/q evictEvict the owner of the quarter you are standing in.
/q editCommand method to edit your quarter with the addselection or remove arguments
/q hereView information about the quarter you are standing in.
/q posCommand bypass to set positions without a wand.
/q selection addAdds a selected cuboid to your current selection.
/q selection clearRemove all your currently added cuboids
/q selection copyCopy your currently added cuboids relative to your position
/q selection pastePaste your currently copied cuboids
/q set name [name]Set a quarter's name to display on /q here
/q set permManage a quarter's permissions, they can be viewed on /q here
/q set particlesizeSet specific quarter particle size for the quarter you stand in. If not within quarter, command sets default particle size for all quarters.
/q removeRemoves the cuboid you are standing in from your current selection.
/q sell [price]Put a quarter up for sale with the specified price.
/q toggle embassyToggle a quarter's embassy status on or off.
/q toggle entryblinkingToggle quarter border blinking. Good alternative if you don't want all outlines to be shown at all times.
/q toggle constantoutlinesTurn on or off particle outlines appearing constantly
/q toggle entrynotificationsEnable or disable notifications in chat when you enter a quarter
/q toggle sellondeleteEnable or disable quarters being sold automatically when their owner is deleted
/q trust addAdd a resident as trusted in a quarter, granting them the same permissions as the owner.
/q trust removeRemove a resident's trusted status in a quarter.
/q trust clearRemove all trusted residents from a quarter.
/q type [type]Change a quarter's type to the specified category.
/q unclaimRelinquish ownership of a quarter.
/q set colourChange a quarter's particle outline colour. The arguments are an RGB colour.
/q wandReceive a free wand for one-time use
/q set entrynotifications chat/hotbarToggle how quarter entry notifications are displayed. Default is hotbar.