Premium rank
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Premium is the all-inclusive paid rank with many convenient features that could upgrade your EarthMC experience.
What's included?
Queue priority
Race through the queue with premium. Premium players get their own queue which is much shorter. The queue alternates between letting players in from the normal queue and the premium queue. The average wait time for premium is less than 30 seconds.
Longer view distance
Long view distance is resource heavy and therefore exclusive to premium. The actual view distance range can sometimes vary depending on server load, but is always at least 2 chunks more than what normal players have.
Double ender chest space
Premium will give you access to a “large ender chest” which means your ender chest storage gets doubled. Your items will still be safe if your premium runs out. If that happens, you will be asked to open the ender chest with an empty inventory. Excess items will be moved from your ender chest to your inventory.
Lower ping for players in Asia-Pacific.
With Cloudflare Argo we're able to offer you a premium network with up to 30% lower ping for everytone connecting from the Asia-Pacific region. It can be accessed by joining Cloudflare Argo is very expensive and therefore exclusive to premium players. It would cost us over 4000 USD per month to enable it for the entire network.
Change territory color
Nation kings can change their map territory color from the default blue. The fill color and border color can be changed independently. Color options support predefined colors such as blue, yellow, red and green. It also supports any color in hex format for true color freedom.
Mystery crates
A mystery crate contains one random cosmetic head item and can be used for collecting and decoration. Get 2 mystery crates every week you log in with premium.
Early access
EarthMC is very conservative with map resets. There have only been two resets over the past 5 years. Players with premium get early access to new maps which normally lasts for a week.
Powerful cosmetics
Gold username in chat, ability to change chat name, pink glow in hub, tab list priority and ability to use any item as /hat
How do I cancel? Is it easy?
It's very easy to cancel. Payments can be managed by visiting the payment gateway portal using the same email you used on purchase. If you can't log in and want payment related help, email the payment provider at [email protected]. For service fullfillment and other help, email [email protected].
Where can I buy Premium?
What happens to my items in double ender chest if Premium runs out?
If your Premium runs out, you will be asked to open the ender chest with an empty inventory. Excess items will be moved from your ender chest to your inventory. After that your ender chest will be downgraded to regular size. Either way, your items will be safe.
Premium commands
Command | Description |
/hat | Use a held item as a hat |
/fly | Fly in the hub |
/nick [name] or /nick off | Set your nickname or clear it |
/party create [name] | Create a party, share mcMMO XP with your friends |
/seen [player] | See when someone was last online |
/qs staff add [player] | Hire staff for your shop's management |
/qs staff remove [player] | Remove player from your shop |
/qs staff clear | Purge all the staff players |
/discord link | Pink username on EMC discord |
/ch join premium | Join a private premium-only chat |
/emcmap nationcolor [hex colour] | Change dynmap territory fill color |
/emcmap nationoutline [hex colour] | Change dynmap territory border color |